Sometimes it can be very handy to be able to create a job that's specific to one client, perhaps because you do slightly different things for them.  This is especially useful for bookkeeping clients, where you might do entirely different tasks for each of them.  

You can use the Senta configuration to make specific versions of jobs for particular clients.

Advice before creating client variants

This feature is helpful if you do things in specific ways for a small number of clients. However, we would always recommend using filters (where possible) to create flexible job templates rather than using client variants. One job template with filters is easier to manage than lots of client variant job templates!

For example, filters would be a better solution:

  • If you have a group of clients who require additional tasks, such as clients requiring letters rather than emails, a filter would be a better solution.
  • If you group your clients by different service levels such as "Gold clients" and "Silver clients"

You can record this information within a form and use the field as a filter, to specify who these tasks are applicable to. 

To read more on filters, see our guides:

How to set up a client variant of a job

To set up a client variant of a job, go to Settings > Jobs and find the job you want.  Here I'm going to make a slightly different version of the Payroll job for one client - Concave Stone.  Go to the Tasks tab and go to Master tasks > Add variant...

You'll be prompted to choose the client: 

Search for the client you want, then select it and click OK.

You'll be given a new variant for the client: 

You can remove this variant by selecting Remove variant. You can add additional variants by going back to the green button and selecting Add variant... The green button will also provide you with a list of variant tasks, including the master tasks. 


The next thing is to customise the tasks for Concave Stone, so make sure you have selected it from the dropdown.  

Please note: the autochase feature within the Send email task type cannot be used within a client variant job. 

Now, you can edit any tasks you like, or click Add task to add a new one just for Concave Stone.  Here's my finished variant: 

All I need to do now is click Save.  Concave Stone payroll jobs will be updated with the new details and future jobs for them will pick up the new template.  All other clients will continue to use the master tasks.