The "contact details" form is where all contact information is stored. This is where you can choose to add more tabs or fields to store contact data.

The contact details form is connected to the Contacts tab on the client details form. This tab has a special tab type called Contacts. Any changes you make to the contact details form will display under the Contacts tab on the client page.

To edit the client details form, go to Settings > Forms > Contact details


The contact details form has a number of tabs, which match the sections that display when viewing contact information on the client page.

To add a new section, click 'Add tab'.

For each section, you can add a name using the Tab name field.


Each tab contains a number of fields which can be used to store contact information for each client.

You can add new fields using the Add field button at the bottom of the page.

You can add as many fields as you need to each tab. To learn more about editing/adding to forms, click here.

Once you save any changes to the contact details form, these new fields will display when you edit the contacts tab.