You can display fees for each of your clients on your client lists. You can do this by adding a column to the list.

1) Open your client list by going to Clients > Client list

2) Click on Custom View on the right hand side

3) Click on Edit columns > Add new column

4) From the available list of fields, choose the field where you record fees information for your clients. By default, this will be under Services / payment

5) Once the column has been added to the client list, you can click and drag to move it to a different position.

6) Click Done 

7) Click Save changes to save the view to the current client list, or click the drop down menu and choose 'save view as' to save the list to a new version (This will then show on the Clients menu)

Adding a Total to a fees column

1) Click on Custom View on the right hand side

2) Click on Edit columns

3) At the top of the fees column, click on the cog icon

4) From the pop up menu, choose the "Total" option and click OK

A total of the accounting fees will be added to the bottom of the column

5) Click Done 

6) Click Save changes to save the view to the current client list, or click the drop down menu and choose 'save view as' to save the list to a new version (This will then show on the Clients menu)