You can add an estimated time to your Job templates, and to the tasks within them. 

Combined with the time recording function in Senta, this allows you to view the overall time taken on a job verses the actual time taken.

Please note - to have this test feature turned on for your site, please contact [email protected].

Adding time estimates to tasks and jobs

You can add estimated time for a whole job, and you can also add estimated time per-task to help you calculate the total job time.

Open Settings > Jobs > Your Job > Tasks

Click on the task you want to add a time estimate to, and then click on Timing

Enter the time in the Estimated duration field, and then click OK.

Click on the General tab to view the task time estimate total for the job. You can then use this to enter a total estimated duration for the job . You don't have to enter task time estimates for every task, you can just enter the job estimated duration on it's own if you prefer.

Click Save at the top of the job set up page when you're done.

Viewing time estimate in active jobs

You can then view the total time vs actual recorded time in any active job where time recording has been done.

Open the job in question, then click on the Time tab.

The total and estimated times will be shown at the bottom of the list of time items: