Once you've created a form, you can create a 'Fill in form' task to fill it out during one of your repeating Jobs. You can then use the fields entered on this form to populate the content of subsequent email tasks.

First create and save your form ensuring that you've added field references to all of the fields on the form.

Open Settings > Jobs, and open the Job you want to work on.

Click on Tasks.

Click Add task.

For task type, choose Fill in a form. You can set any other details you'd like, such as the default assignee for the task.

Click on the Fill in form tab, and from the dropdown of forms, choose the form you saved earlier.

Once you've finished adding any other settings to the task, click OK.

Click Add task.

For task type, choose Send email. You can set any other details you'd like, such as the default assignee for the task.

Click on the Email tab. In the body of the email, you can now add placeholders to refer to the answers on the form. You will need to copy the field references from the form you created earlier for each placeholder, and the placeholders need to be formatted like this:


Please note: the prefix "job." is used with placeholders which pull from data stored against the job, for example forms that are filled in as part of repeating jobs.

So an example template email body might look like this:

(Tip: You can access the placeholders guide while composing your email by clicking this link)

Once you're happy with the email task, click OK, and then click Save on the job template.