As well as adding columns to any client list to show client information and job data, there are a number of advanced column options which can help you organise your clients.

To add any of these columns, open any client list and click on Custom view > Edit columns > Add new column. Scroll down to the bottom of the field selector, and click on Advanced.

From here you can select from flagged, starred, services, created, job status, imported and activated users.

Select multiple fields at once by clicking on multiple fields.


Flags and stars allow you to easily prioritise your work.

  • Flags are seen by everyone in your practice
  • Stars are visible only to you

The flagged column will allow you to flag client records on the client list, and then sort the column to only show flagged clients. This is really useful if you would like to highlight any client records to other members of your team.

The starred column will allow you to star the clients on your client list, so you can remind yourself of clients who might need following up.


The services column will display all the services that are currently running for any client.

You can filter the list by selecting one or multiple services.


The created field will display the creation dates of any client records. This column can be sorted in date order, and filtered.

Job status

The job status column shows the status of the next job that needs to be completed for the client. The status of any job is dictated by the status of the tasks within it. For more information, see our guide to task statuses.

If the client has any overdue jobs, the job status column will display as overdue. This column can be filtered down to show a specific job status.

Activated users

The activated users column will display the number of client contacts who have been sent an email to activate them to use the client portal


The imported column will display whether a client was imported from a spreadsheet, or added in manually.