When setting up integrations between Senta and external providers, you may be asked to enter an API key on the integration partner side.

To do this you will need to set up an integration user.

Adding an integration user

Go to Settings > Users then click Add integration.

Here you will be asked to enter the name of the integration.

Once you click OK, you will be taken to a page where you can update the details of the integration user.

Click on Generate API Key.

If you have previously generated an API key same integration user, clicking Generate will prevent the previous key from working.

The new API will be displayed onscreen. Copy this API key and paste it into the field required on the site of the integration partner.

Viewing integration users

Go to Settings > Users > Integrations tab.

Any previously added integration users will be displayed here, including the last date of access.

Deactivating an integration user

Open the integration user you want to deactivate, then click on Deactivate.

Click on Yes, deactivate.

You can view any deactivated users and integration users from the Deactivated tab on the Users page.