Filters can be used to create jobs that run differently for different groups of clients, meaning you don't have to set up lots of client variants.

For example, you might have a job that will run in the same way for your clients, except one task will vary, depending on whether you contact the client via email or post.

In this guide we will provide detailed instructions on how to set this up.

Create a lookup

Go to Settings > Lookups > Add lookup.

Give the lookup a description e.g. "Preferred contact".

Add 2 items: "Email" and "Post".

Click Save.

Add the lookup to a form

The new lookup needs to be added to a form, so you can store this information for each client.

Go to Settings > Forms and select the form you want to add the lookup to.

If you are adding the lookup to a form with many tabs, select the appropriate tab.

Click on Add field at the bottom of the page.

Add a field name e.g. "Preferred contact". Set the field type to be "Lookup", then in the dropdown box that appears to the right of this, select the lookup you just created.

We recommend adding in a field reference, in case you ever want to refer to information from this field in an email or text message.

Save the form.

Use the lookup to filter tasks on a job

Go to Settings > Jobs and select the job you want to work on, or create a new job from scratch.

Go to the Tasks tab.

For any tasks which you would only run for the "email" clients, add a filter to those tasks so they only run if you have selected "email" on the appropriate form.

To do this, click on a task and go to the Filters tab.

Click Add filter, and locate the lookup you just created.

Tick the box for the "email" filter.

For any tasks which you would only run for "post" clients, add a filter to those tasks so they only run if you have selected "post" from the appropriate form.