All jobs list gives you a quick and easy overview of your workload. There are several functions that will allow you to filter, customise and save the view, with the option to switch to the Production board


Where can I find the All jobs list and what does it do?

You can access the All jobs list by going to the Work menu, scrolling down the list and selecting All jobs.

There are several columns on the All jobs list that will allow you to see all the jobs for the practice. 

1) The green filter options. You can filter the list by job, assignee (this is any task assignee within that job), account manager, type of a client and job status.

2) The list of jobs is divided into a few columns: client, job, date, filing date, payment date, progress, next (which will show you the next task that is due to be completed for that job) and job status.

You can filter and sort each column to help you narrow down to the information that you need. 

With the use of filters, you can create custom views of the All jobs list. 

For example, we could filter the All jobs list to display VAT return jobs that are Ready and Pending. 

Once the list is filtered down to those jobs, you will have the option to save the filtered view by going to Custom view > Save view as... 

The list will then appear in your Work menu, for quick and easy access, without having to apply those filter options each time you need to view your filtered job list.

Bulk Actions on All jobs list

There are several actions that you can perform in bulk that are available on the All jobs list. To activate the Actions box, you will have to select at least one record from the list using the checkbox options on the left-hand side.

  • Change date - this option will allow you to change the job date in bulk.
  • Cancel jobs - you can cancel several jobs at once.
  • Uncancel jobs - if you cancel jobs by mistake, no need to worry - you can uncancel them via the All jobs list too.
  • View as client list - all the clients that are selected on the All jobs list will be displayed in a Client list format instead.

Switching to the board view

To switch to the board view go to the List drop-down at the top right and select Board.

To learn how to make the most of the Production board view, see our support article: Production board and production dates. 

Filtering by Assignee

There may be times when you want to view only what work is assigned to a specific person. This assignee can be a practice user, a client user or even Senta itself. 

The Assignee dropdown allows you to choose one or more assignees, and view a list of jobs they are assigned tasks in. In this example, I want to only view jobs that contain tasks assigned to Senta. 

We start with 21 jobs in the list:

Open the dropdown and tick your chosen user:

You can see that the job count drops to 15. You can then view your job list and save it as a view if required. You can also select as many assignees as you like (you can see the job count has risen back to 21):

This is a very useful way to check up on what is outstanding for different types or groups of users.