If you are trying to integrate an Office365 email account via SMTP/IMAP and having issues, we now have a tool which uses Modern Authentication to integrate your emails, as Microsoft are planning to phase out IMAP authentication. 


Switching on the integration

The Office365 email integration option is now available under Settings > General Settings and to enable this, switch the "Send & Receive via Office365" toggle to "On", and the SMTP/IMAP toggle to "Off"

Once this has been switched on, each practice user may need to log out of Senta and back in for the changes to take effect, then they can set up the new Office365 authentication following the instructions below.

Allowing access to Office365 account in Senta

To allow Senta to access your email account to send and receive emails in Senta, you need to authorise this via Your account > Your Profile > Emails and clicking Authorise

This should redirect you to a Microsoft login page, if you are already logged into your Microsoft Account on your browser you may not see this as it may skip to the next step. Enter your email address and click Next

Then enter your password, or authenticate by any other method, and click Next again

Then you should be asked to give Senta permissions to access your account 

Click Yes, and this should redirect you back to your Senta profile settings, and you should now see two options, Reauthorise and Disallow 

Your email should now be configured correctly, and you can send a test email to a client on your workspace to confirm.

Microsoft "Need admin approval" error

You may see an error appear from Microsoft advising that Senta needs admin approval. If you have an admin account you can click on the link Have an admin account? Sign in with that account. If not, you may need to discuss this with your Office365 account administrator to be able to grant access to Senta. 

Some more information on this can be found on the Microsoft guide Grant tenant-wide admin consent to an application