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Email and text messaging
Setting up email in Senta
Setting up the email integration
Email settings (SMTP/IMAP)
How do I connect a personal Gmail account to Senta?
How do I approve Senta to connect to G Suite?
Gmail Application Privacy Policy
See all 10 articles
Using email in Senta
Email clients using Senta
Editing notification emails
Creating a task from an email
Attaching documents to emails
Assigning email tasks to Senta
See all 8 articles
Using text messaging
Setting up text messaging in Senta
Adding a text message task to a job
Sending one-off text messages
Saving a copy of text messages
Using Autochase for emails
Setting up Auto chase on an email task
Troubleshooting email
How to fix ' Unable to find sender user "system" ' error message
How do I troubleshoot email problems?
How do I change my email address in Senta?